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Energy Insight: Electricity - renewables: geothermal (DSS29)

Please note this Insight is no longer being updated.  You will find more recent information via our 

Geothermal electricity is the 4th largest source of renewable electricity. In 2017 the US was the highest producer with a share of 34.9% of the OECD total, New Zealand was the second highest producer with a share of 14.4% and Italy was the third highest producer with a share of 11.9%. The average annual rate of growth between 1990 and 2017 was a low 2.2% where production increased from 28.6 TWh to 51.98 TWh. OECD Europe experienced the highest growth rate in recent years and in 2017 produced nearly the same amount of electricity from geothermal sources as North America. Projections indicate that the growth in geothermal electricity production will be small over the next few years due to very few development schemes in place. 

Energy Insight details

EI Datasheet 29.xlsx
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EI Datasheet 29.pdf!

Physical description: Pdf 2pp; statistical datasheet, available to logged-in EI members and subscribers.

Keywords: Statistics - Geothermal - Production

Subjects: Energy engineering, Statistics, Geothermal heat, Electricity, Renewables