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Launch of Medium-Term Renewable Energy Market Report 2014
The Medium-Term Renewable Energy Market Report 2014 assesses market trends for renewables in the electricity, transport and heat sectors, identifying drivers and challenges to deployment, and making projections through 2020. The report presents for the first time an investment outlook for renewable power capacity, in addition to projections for renewable electricity technologies, a global biofuels supply forecast and extended analysis of final energy use of renewables for heat.
Policy milestone details
Start date: 2014-8-28
Keywords: Market reports - Renewable Energy
Milestone source: Milestone description
Milestone type: Reports and statistics
Sector: Renewables -
Organisation: International Energy Agency
Subjects: Trading, Policy and Governance, Planning and Design, Research and development, Electricity generation, Solar energy, Solar thermal, Pumped storage plants, Heat generation, Geothermal heat, Electricity, Heat, Wind power, Hydro power, Wave power, Tidal Power, Energy policy