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Simplify remedial decisions by using risk-based management. D.J. Morgan and G.H. Swett. Hydrocarbon Processing, August 1994, 73 (8), 37--40.

Risk assessment and risk management techniques are described for monitoring chemical releases to air, surface water, soil, and groundwater. A risk scenario is described and illustrated. The EPA considers a frequency of one cancer in 10 000 is sufficient to warrant remedial action. Cancer risks associated with benzene in drinking water are reviewed. Case histories discuss the risk from hydrocarbons in soil, and prioritizing releases from a refinery. Cancer risks are put in perspective and probabilities from selected activities are illustrated. Government-set risks, level of protection, and control costs are reviewed. The objective is to reduce emissions from hydrocarbon processing facilities so that cancer risks approach a level of one case in 10-6. 10 refs.
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