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New Energy World (Online version)
Periodical details
Previous title: Energy World; Petroleum Review
Link to NEW webpage
Journal title: Energy World
Publisher: Energy Institute
Holdings: July 1973 -
Keywords: Wave - Alternative fuels - Renewable Energy - Energy Efficiency in buildings - Energy - general - Energy management - water - hydroelectricity - Wind
Organisation: Energy Institute
Subjects: Natural and physical sciences, Engineering, Energy engineering, Energy efficiency, Resource use and management, Skills, education and training, Policy and Governance, Planning and Design, Law and Legal practice, Research and development, Economics, business and commerce, Electricity generation, Solar energy, Onshore wind power, Offshore wind power, Electricity from nuclear fuel, Energy consumption, Transport, Carbon capture, transportation and storage, Biofuels, Biogases, Coal, Electricity, Heat, Liquid biofuels, Nuclear fuels, Biomass, Transport fuels, Renewables, Wind power, Solar power, Hydro power, Wave power, Tidal Power, Geothermal power, Coal fired power stations, Biomass, Wind farms, Offshore wind farms, Energy prices, Anaerobic digestion, Emissions, Regulation and accountability, Concentrated Solar Power, Fuel cells, Carbon emissions