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EI gears up for COP26

With just two months to go until the world’s governments gather for the COP26 global climate talks in Glasgow, the EI has a busy autumn of related activities planned, with the voices of younger members front and centre.

Most exciting will be the screening in Glasgow alongside COP26 – and streaming online – of an inspiring new documentary film chronicling the 500-mile ‘future energy’ road trip undertaken this summer by a group of volunteers from the EI’s Aberdeen Young Professionals Network.

Transported by train, ferry and Tesla electric car, the group visited some of Scotland’s most innovative energy projects, from biomass in Shetland and tidal in Orkney, to carbon capture and storage off Aberdeen and wind energy at Whitelee, interviewing the people operating and developing these important projects along the way. The project is supported by the EI’s Generation 2050 initiative aimed at giving tomorrow’s energy leaders a louder voice today.

In the run up to COP26, Generation 2050 will also have a presence at the Global Youth Engineering Climate Conference hosted by National Grid in September, and hold a series of three virtual round tables in which young professionals from around the world host senior figures from industry, government and academia. They will discuss the urgency of the global climate crisis through a series of region-specific questions: Can the Middle East region deliver on net zero? Is the rise of Asia-Pacific the world’s biggest climate conundrum? Does foreign energy investment help or hinder SDGs in the Global South?

‘The stakes are high and young professionals in our industry want to be heard’, said Sinead Obeng AMEI, Chair of the EI’s Young Professionals Council. ‘We want to see ambitious commitments and practical emission reduction pathways delivered at COP26, that measure up to the IPCC’s latest scientific warning that climate change is now widespread, rapid and intensifying.’ The EI will have a presence elsewhere during the Glasgow talks, with the POWERful Women initiative planning an event inside the UK Pavilion and involvement alongside dozens of other bodies in the launch by E3G of a new Professional Bodies Climate Action Charter.

For the duration of the two-week conference, we are also exploring ways of keeping members updated daily on developments inside and around the talks. And it doesn’t end in Glasgow. In December an EI Energy Policy Debate will dissect the outcomes of COP26 and their implications for UK policymakers, while in February, the EI will convene International Energy Week, the global energy industry’s first major gathering post-COP26 to discuss the next steps on the journey to net zero.

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Keywords: EI News