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Jobs boom predicted for Indian wind and solar

More than 300,000 workers look set to be directly employed in wind and solar jobs in India by 2022, and a total of one million employment opportunities could result from the country’s ambitious clean energy goals, a study by the US Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has found. 

India’s clean energy goals include installing 160 GW of renewable power by 2022, and CEEW and NRDC predict that India’s labour-intensive rooftop solar industry will employ 70% of the new workforce.

The study, titled Greening India’s Workforce: Gearing Up For Expansion of Solar and Wind Power in India, estimates that India’s clean energy goals have the potential to put around 35,000 people to work in wind power, 57,000 in utility solar, and 238,000 in rooftop solar jobs over the next five years.

Solar jobs are expected to be well distributed across areas of India, including Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh, with wind-based jobs likely concentrated just in those states that have high wind potential. 

Neeraj Kuldeep, Programme Associate at CEEW, said: ‘80% of the new clean energy workforce will be employed during the construction phase. However, despite these being contractual jobs, the large pipeline of renewable energy projects creates enough opportunities for workers to stay employed.’ 

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