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Internal energy and carbon report

Reporting the findings and presenting the case for improvements is an essential deliverable of energy and carbon data collection and analysis.

It is through reporting that the description of the data analysis findings is provided, as well as the rationale for change and the next steps to implementation. It is important to get the message across to the target audience, e.g., a senior management team, clearly and succinctly, as it is generally the information provided in the report that provides the basis for any change.

The report should identify and investigate problems concerned with policy, organisation, procedures and methods, recommend appropriate action to the senior management team, help to implement these recommendations and influence the behaviour change in the organisation.

A typical energy and carbon report should include:

Executive summary should be as concise as possible and suitable for non-technical managers. Typically, the executive summary should contain:

Introduction should set the tone for the energy and carbon report. As such, it should contain a few key features and inform the readers of what they are going to read in the rest of the report.

It should include, among other things:

Action plan/tables of recommendations - it is common for the recommendations to be summarised in a table. Measures can be summarised and ranked in as much detail as the data allows. They are commonly grouped by payback and by scale (no/low cost, medium cost and high-cost items).

Energy usage/consumption/audit - this section should relate closely to the data collection and analysis. Most of the information in this part should be presented in tables, graphs and figures. Typically, the annual energy consumption, spending and the GHG impact is provided in a table and shown by fuel type. The table should be provided with notes which will describe the source of the data used, the time period, the average unit cost in the period and any limitation with the data used.

Other features that are useful in this section include:

Energy and carbon management information – this part should provide a description of facts and observations, and then provide some form of improvement plan. The following areas are identified as part of assessing energy and carbon management:

Energy and carbon reduction opportunities - some opportunities may have an impact on others, and so an energy and carbon manager should be wary of double counting or negating one opportunity if another is implemented.

Each opportunity should have:

Conclusions and findings - this section can provide several key aspects:

Public disclosure of energy consumption and carbon footprint

The public disclosure of energy consumption and carbon footprint is usually voluntary, unless an organisation is obliged under specific legislation, such as large UK companies within a scope of Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR), companies listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange or those in the EU Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) to publicly report their GHG emissions. However, many organisations use energy performance and carbon reporting in promotional materials, social media, sustainability reports or other publications, aiming to improve an organisation’s image and customer’s confidence or attract more investment.

Several organisations measure carbon emission disclosures. The most popular are the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).

Whether reporting voluntarily or under a legal obligation, the disclosure should adhere to the following principles for reporting carbon data:

Want to know more? More detailed information is available in our online training course, Level 1, Certificate in Energy Management Essentials. To learn more, visit Energy Management Training | Energy Institute.
