UPDATED 1 Sept: The EI library in London is temporarily closed to the public, as a precautionary measure in light of the ongoing COVID-19 situation. The Knowledge Service will still be answering email queries via email , or via live chats during working hours (09:15-17:00 GMT). Our e-library is always open for members here: eLibrary , for full-text access to over 200 e-books and millions of articles. Thank you for your patience.

Energy Policy Milestones

EI Knowledge continually monitors the work of local, national and international bodies to compile this UK-focused resource of relevant policy activities. Search using the filters below, or browse our listings of energy policy milestones. Have we missed something? You can request information or submit additional milestones by contacting us.

The EI seeks to connect the expertise of energy professionals with the policymaking process, and has responded to a number of policy consultations. The EI also organises a series of events each year to debate topical issues in energy policy – for upcoming Energy Policy Debates see the events schedule.

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