UPDATED 1 Sept: The EI library in London is temporarily closed to the public, as a precautionary measure in light of the ongoing COVID-19 situation. The Knowledge Service will still be answering email queries via email , or via live chats during working hours (09:15-17:00 GMT). Our e-library is always open for members here: eLibrary , for full-text access to over 200 e-books and millions of articles. Thank you for your patience.

Consultation responses

As a chartered professional membership body with members across the full range of energy sectors, the Energy Institute seeks to assist the policy process by helping to clarify the key issues, working to improve the evidence base on which decisions will be made. Please find below EI responses to policy consultations. The EI also organises a series of events each year to debate topical issues in energy policy – for upcoming Energy Policy Debates see the events schedule.


House of Lords Science and Technology Committee consultation on People and Skills in UK STEM - September 2022


BEIS consultation on Strengthening the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) - September 2021

Written Evidence Submitted by the National Engineering Policy Centre (NEPC) – January 2021


BEIS call for insights on the UK's economic recovery from COVID-19 – June 2020


BEIS consultation on facilitating energy efficiency in the electricity system – September 2019

BEIS and Ofgem consultation on flexible and responsive energy retail markets – August 2019

All Party Parliamentary Group for Carbon Capture and Storage ‘Greening Britain through CCUS’ inquiry – June 2019

Round table (Energy Insititute, ADE, Energy UK, ESTA, MIMA) on an Energy Efficiency Scheme for SMEs – May 2019

Technologies for meeting Clean Growth emissions reduction evidence session - January 2019


Science and Technology Committee inquiry on Technologies for meeting Clean Growth emissions reduction targets - November 2018

BEIS inquiry on Helping businesses to improve the way they use energy – September 2018

BEIS Commons Select Committee inquiry on carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS) – August 2018

Helm Review of Energy Costs – January 2018


Migration Advisory Committee inquiry - EEA workers in the UK labour market - October 2017

House of Lords EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee inquiry – Brexit: energy security - August 2017

Engineering an economy that works for all - April 2017


Leaving the EU - Implications for UK energy policy - October 2016


HMT Business Energy Efficiency Review - November 2015


Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme - October 2013


DECC Electricity Market Reform - March 2011

HMT Carbon Price Support - February 2011


BIS/DECC Meeting the Low Carbon Skills Challenge - June 2010


DECC Clean Coal consultation response - September 2009


Carbon Capture and Storage - DBERR - September 2008


Energy Metering and Billing - DBERR - October 2007

Nuclear Power Consultation - DBERR - October 2007

Draft Climate Change Bill - DEFRA - June 2007


Carbon Capture and Storage - HM Treasury - May 2006

Energy Review - DTI - April 2006

Energy Review (Scotland) - SNP - March 2006