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ISSN 2753-7757 (Online)

European solar manufacturers win package of EC support



View inside long warehouse with solar panels stacked in rows Photo: AI generated Adobe Stock/Natalia
A new initiative aims to support European solar manufacturing companies looking to tap into the enormous global clean-tech demand pull

Photo: AI generated Adobe Stock/Natalia

A new initiative has been launched by SolarPower Europe to boost uptake for European-made solar products in high-growth markets around the world, in support of the rebuilding of the EU solar manufacturing base.

The International Solar Manufacturing Initiative was launched in Brussels last week in the presence of representatives from the European Commission and the European Investment Bank, with a statement of support from eight European solar manufacturers.


The Initiative has four key goals, including:

  1. Supporting European solar manufacturing companies in tapping into the enormous global clean-tech demand pull.
  2. Advocating for export and development cooperation policies that will boost European competitiveness and the development goals of EU partner countries.
  3. Working to secure public financing from the EU Global Gateway strategy, European Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) and Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) to realise concrete manufacturing projects and export opportunities.
  4. Building a stronger and more resilient global solar PV supply chain. 

The first participants in the Initiative include solar manufacturers based in five European countries (Italy, Spain, France, Germany and Switzerland), who are active within several steps in the value chain, including manufacturing equipment, solar modules, mounting systems and inverters, as well as system connection solutions.


Through the Initiative, SolarPower Europe will act as a facilitator between the EU Global Gateway strategy, DFIs, and ECAs to secure public financing and access to global markets for European solar manufacturers.

European solar production equipment manufacturers can support EU solar re-industrialisation goals

Trade association SolarPower Europe has also published a report highlighting the potential of European solar production equipment providers in supporting Europe’s plans for a resilient solar sector.  


The report explores the European capacity to manufacture the equipment and machinery that produces at each stage of the solar module manufacturing process.


Today, at least 38 companies are active in Europe manufacturing the equipment and machinery that produces vital steps of the solar PV module supply chain, including cells, ingots, wafers and polysilicon.


Current solar PV module equipment producers are based in nine European countries (Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain, Hungary, Norway and Finland). The majority – 75% of European solar equipment manufacturers – are active in producing cell and module segments.


In addition to mapping companies and manufacturing capacity, the report identifies areas of European technological edge in the face of very strong competition from China. For example, Europe is still a global leader for next generation perovskite and tandem solar cell technology, and Germany hosts the technology leaders in cell testing equipment.