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New Energy World™
New Energy World™ embraces the whole energy industry as it connects and converges to address the decarbonisation challenge. It covers progress being made across the industry, from the dynamics under way to reduce emissions in oil and gas, through improvements to the efficiency of energy conversion and use, to cutting-edge initiatives in renewable and low-carbon technologies.
Shining a Spotlight on Energy People: Dr Oluwatosin C Murele AMEI
5 min read
There are numerous energy transitions underway around the world, and a multitude of skilled professionals in the energy sector. One young scientist, Dr Oluwatosin C Murele AMEI, Senior Consultant, Sustainability and Net Zero Processes, at Elsamag, tells how she has brought analytical skills and expertise from Nigeria to help deliver UK net zero projects, and is hoping to broaden her horizons worldwide with the benefit of Energy Institute membership and projects.
Q: Where did you grow up? What inspired you and helped build your energy sector skills?
A: I grew up in Ibadan and attended schools in different cities in Nigeria. Right from when I was 11 years old, I knew I was going to study sciences in high school, out of my deep love for mathematics. For my bachelor’s degree, I studied mechanical/production engineering at the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University in Yelwa, Nigeria. My master’s degree was also in mechanical engineering, from the University of Ibadan.
In 2016, I competed and won a prestigious Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) scholarship, to study for a PhD in energy and power at Cranfield University. After completing my PhD, I worked as a Utilities and Data Consultant with Accenture, after which I returned to Cranfield University as a Research Fellow, where I developed efficient models for the optimisation of energy networks in low carbon, renewables and fossil fuel energy systems. Specifically, I developed the green hydrogen model for the port of Felixstowe.
Q: Which EI membership offering have you benefitted most from? How has it helped you in your role?
A: I was interested in the projects and training offered by the Energy Institute, and formally joined the Institute in October 2020 as an Associate Member. For example, I found that the ‘UK Energy Resilience: Prices, Emissions and Supply this Winter’ webinar in 2022, produced by the Energy Institute with the UK Energy Research Centre and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, was particularly beneficial.
Membership of the EI has been one of the deciding factors in my career progress. Prospective employers prefer on-boarding an energy professional with a recognised membership, such as from the Energy Institute.
Q: Tell us a little about your current job.
A: Currently, I’m a Senior Consultant, Sustainability and Net Zero Processes, at Elsamag. I am helping organisations develop realistic carbon reduction strategies for their operations and processes towards achieving 2050 net zero targets set by the UK government and reducing the global impacts of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on climate change.
Previously, I worked as an Energy Services Analytics Consultant with TEAM Energy in the UK, where I developed and implemented carbon reduction strategies for both public and private-sector organisations in the UK. ScotRail is one of our clients and I led the development of its Carbon Reduction Strategy (Phase 1 of the CRS project) to net zero by 2035, and also worked on Phase 2, which involves tracking progress against those targets. I have also conducted technical checks on Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) building reports for some private sector organisations. Also, I was a Senior Consultant in the Net Zero Transition team at one of the electrical utilities companies in the UK, where I worked briefly on the Road to Net Zero project – a joint project between HAUC (UK) and Transport for London (TFL).
The most enjoyable aspect of my work is when I visualise the energy models that I have developed and see them being implemented and applied to live projects – these models/pathways reduce GHG emissions, decarbonise the energy networks, reduce cost, and improve efficiency and environmental sustainability in energy systems.
Prospective employers prefer on-boarding an energy professional with a recognised membership, such as from the Energy Institute.
Q: Could you explain the role of modelling in carbon accounting? Do you feel this is an area that could be further developed?
A: One of the goals of developing and implementing mathematical frameworks for energy supply chain networks is to optimise the networks. I’m able to identify applicable sources of emissions and account for carbon emissions in the developed networks. Specifically, I’ve authored and co-authored methodologies and solutions of energy models in peer-reviewed international scientific journals.
One such model considers the co-firing of biomass with coal for emissions reduction. This area in energy studies has a high potential for increased innovation, especially considering the global impacts on energy security and climate change.
Q: Clearly you have done some interesting work already. What are your career goals for the future?
A: My career goals for the future are to not limit the application of my expertise to first-world countries, but to replicate the methodologies utilised and take forward wins to other countries globally – especially the African continent, including Nigeria.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are strictly those of the author only and are not necessarily given or endorsed by or on behalf of the Energy Institute.
You can find more information about EI Membership and the Shining a Spotlight on Energy People series here.