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New Energy World magazine logo
ISSN 2753-7757 (Online)

Connecting the dots: Europe tackles security of supply challenges


6 min read


Two men in high-vis tabbards and hard hats carrying solar panels on roof for installation Photo: European Commission – Bogdan Hoyaux
Installing solar energy panels on the European Commission's headquarters, the Berlaymont building, in Brussels

Photo: European Commission – Bogdan Hoyaux

Europe has an urgent need to improve power network infrastructure. Faced with the Russian embargo and other geopolitical issues, there is a call to boost security of supply and build renewable energy capacity. Keith Nuthall reports on a raft of new European Union (EU) mandates.

While energy price rises have started levelling off after steep inflation in 2022, the requirement to boost sustainable electricity capacity in Europe is becoming ever more pressing. There is need for strengthened transmission networks, boosting security of supply against unreliable partners such as Russia, in concert with further reduction of carbon emissions.


This is the conclusion of EU electricity association Eurelectric, which launched a Power Barometer in September 2023, while calling for a ramp up in capacity and transmission investment.


‘Following the unprecedented price spikes and policy interventions in 2022, gas consumption dropped by 19% and millions of consumers shifted to electric heating systems. Power prices also improved. Wholesale electricity prices have stabilised, going from an average of €227/MWh in 2022 to €100/MWh this year, with retail prices following suit,’ said Eurelectric.


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