UPDATED 1 Sept: The EI library in London is temporarily closed to the public, as a precautionary measure in light of the ongoing COVID-19 situation. The Knowledge Service will still be answering email queries via email , or via live chats during working hours (09:15-17:00 GMT). Our e-library is always open for members here: eLibrary , for full-text access to over 200 e-books and millions of articles. Thank you for your patience.
UPDATED 1 Sept: The EI library in London is temporarily closed to the public, as a precautionary measure in light of the ongoing COVID-19 situation. The Knowledge Service will still be answering email queries via email , or via live chats during working hours (09:15-17:00 GMT). Our e-library is always open for members here: eLibrary , for full-text access to over 200 e-books and millions of articles. Thank you for your patience.
Energy Insights
Welcome to the EI’s Energy Insights Collection. This collection brings together information on a range of different energy topics and includes recent and historical energy statistics. To help with the terminology in the Energy Insights take a look at our glossaries. EI members can access all Energy Insights and attached data free of charge.
The A-Z of the energy transition series will run throughout 2025, with a new edition posted every two weeks. These are written by the Energy Institute’s Chief Executive, Nick Wayth. All views expressed are his own and not those of the Energy Institute. These are originally posted on his LinkedIn profile.